Kaiden 10 Months old.

Kaiden 10 Months old.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December has arrived!!

I have not wrote in such a long time.. I am getting so bad at this..
Ok updates first.. Kaiden had surgery and did great! We had to stay at Primary Children's hospital for an extra 20 days because he somehow got Salmonella poisoning and was very sick. He recovered perfect from both.
Because of this, the Helmet company came to him in the hospital and fitted him after the surgery and brought in his helmet. The 1st helmet we wanted to paint.. So we made it look like a University of Utah football helmet.. Adorable. The second we have just left clear. He is doing so great with the helmet therapy. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to sleep, or it would be too heavy and he would be misserable, I was worried he wouldn't be able to walk or crawl or even roll over.. Geez I am silly with all this.. The best thing is he doesn't mind it at all. He actually enjoys wearing it. When he has it off to bath he looks everywhere for it.. It is so light and fitt's perfect I have no idea what I was worried about..

My little guy is 25 pounds, 11 months, and I can't believe how fast he is growing. He has started to walk about 2 weeks ago. I can't keep up with him. He is the happest baby ever. I say it all the time.. I have really saved the best baby for last.. He never cry's, always sings and smiles.. He is absolutely amazing!!

I have been doing allot of things with CappsKids.org I love the site. When Kaitlyn was born my mom found this site and was looking at pictures and said "Kaitlyn has Sagittal Craino" I looked on there and sure enough she looked just like all these beautiful baby's. I am so happy to have found this site and so I owe allot to them. They have done a 2010 Calendar and chose my kids to be in a lot of months. Adorable and we get to give back to this wonderful site.

Thanksgiving was a blast we went to my mom's house and ate the best food and had the best company. My family is amazing. So supportive. I love any extra time I get to spend with them.

My kiddo's got "the elf on the shelf" this last week.. It has been so much fun. The elf sits and watches the kids all day and at night reports to santa what he has seen good and bad. The next morning when the kids get up they run around the house looking for him because after he returns from the North Pole he always sit's in a new spot. This has been such a fun and exciting new tradition for our family. And the best part is they are acting so much better knowing that this little elf that we named Fred is always watching..

Wow Christmas is right around the corner.. I can't believe how fast this year has went by. My little guy is almost 1. My kids are all growing up so fast.. I wish I could stop time for a few years. Well mommy duties are calling but I will post more often.. Promise....

1 comment:

  1. You better post more or I will beat you up! ;-)
    Yay for healthy walking growing babies. Soon he and Jaxon will be running across the street to play with each other.
